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Problem with performance - control over drawing a large number of elements


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I have "the game" with very more elements (Box) and i have problem with performance. Amount of FPS is very low (~15-20) for 16k elements in map (isometric mesh with box as single tile), but I do not need this all elements and my question is: how to control it? Is there any method in which I can give information which currently elements should I display? Method for a single frame?

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Please help us by making a demo playground about the map creation part. ?

You can quickly speed up FPS using mesh instances instead of clones. Especially if you only have a limited number of different isometric meshes / tiles. (Say 256 tiles / 8bit tilemap).

I used this instantiating trick for the (thousands of) railway track sleepers in my BabylonJS Model Train Simulator. Made a huge difference in performance.


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