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Trying to build Babylon JS Locally... errors.


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Hi all,

I am trying to get BabylonJS to build locally after downloading the repo and following the documentation for contributing, etc etc. 

I added some new files for a new type of camera that I want to use (whether or not it is worthy for a PR is another discussion) but now the build has errors when I run "gulp typescript". The weird part is that the errors appear to come from a place that I haven't touched.

[13:45:33] Tested 326 tests, 326 passes, 0 failures: PASS
[13:45:35] '<anonymous>' errored after 5.51 s
[13:45:35] GulpUglifyError: unable to minify JavaScript
Caused by: SyntaxError: Unexpected token: punc (:)
File: C:\Users\MyName\Documents\Programming\BabylonJS\Babylon.js\src\PostProcess\RenderPipeline\Pipelines\babylon.worker.js
Line: 50427
Col: 24
[13:45:35] 'buildWorker' errored after 5.58 s
[13:45:35] 'mainBuild' errored after 5.58 s
[13:45:35] 'typescript' errored after 29 s


I was able to do "gulp run" okay but whenever I try to access one of the localhost sites it gives an error saying the MIME type is wrong. I am not sure if these two issues are related, and I am new to Typescript and Gulp so I could be doing something wrong, but any help would be greatly appreciated.





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