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Is it possible to remove a submesh from self shadowing


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I have a use case where I have a mesh made up of a handful of sub meshes. But I do not need all of them to contribute to the self shadowing to get a convincing shadow. Plus on some of the smaller sub meshes the self shadowing does not look that great.  So I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of how to either exclude submeshes from self shadowing or to simply include the ones I do.

I am currently using this to achieve self shadowing on the entire object :

var shadowGenerator = new BABYLON.ShadowGenerator(2048, light2, true,true);
shadowGenerator.usePoissonSampling = true;


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i tested a bit but fail to see any difference in shadows...

but to your problem, try push only the meshes you want shadows on.

Like in your code u push the @whole model....

normally there can be about 5-10 meshes in one daddy mesh.

only one of those represent the full object

If you iterate the scene.meshes you can find out what number belong to what meshname ?



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I played around with it quite a bit. @droggam I thought your approach was intriguing but the meshes you pointed to don't correlate with the sub meshes. In the end I think it would be sufficient to simply not have the shadow map show up on some of my sub meshes. In other words is there a way to calculate the shadow map as normal with all the sub meshes in the mesh, but not actually display the shadow map on some of the sub-meshes. My primary reason for this is that on some of the smaller objects the shadow map just does not look that great and I don't need the shadows on those pieces anyway. So it would great if I could tell babylon which sub meshes the shadow map would show up on, and simply not show the shadow results on the other submeshes.

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var shadowGenerator = new BABYLON.ShadowGenerator(1024, light);
Next, you have to define which shadows will be rendered. Here we want the shadow of our torus, but you can “push” any meshes you want:

Introduced with babylon.js v3.1, there are two new helper functions to deal with shadow casters:

addShadowCaster(mesh, includeDescendants): Helper function to add a mesh and its descendants to the list of shadow casters
removeShadowCaster(mesh, includeDescendants): Helper function to remove a mesh and its descendants from the list of shadow casters
And finally, you will have to define where the shadows will be displayed... by setting a mesh parameter to true:

ground.receiveShadows = true;


@JonVarner check this out!

Its as much as i can help you its from THE documentation...

You have two helper fn to either add/remove meshes like u asked

Descandents is same submesh


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@droggam, thanks yes I have seen this. In fact this was why I posted as it seemed possible. However, in the helper function, "includeDescendants" is actually a boolean as opposed to a list, meaning that all descendants would be included. Second, I don't think submeshes are children. I could be wrong, but if you run something like: window.complete_model.getChildren() on a single mesh with many sub meshes you will actually get and empty array.

Anyway, it seems that getting this to work is possible. I just have not discovered it yet. :)

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Hmm, I have shadows working already. My question was about sub-meshes. If you look at your code you are still working with meshes "newMeshes[0]". What I was trying to do was something more along the lines of "newMeshes[0][2]" for example. Anyway, I have given up and decided to split those sub meshes out as separate meshes for now. :)

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