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Text input from users in Phaser


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I have not found an example on Phaser examples that takes text inputs from users.  I know i can take key stroke but i want whole strings to be input by the users.  So they can type in a word and strike the enter keyboard key to accept it in or something similar.   



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    // This function computes the ascii for the key if it's an upper- or lower-case letter.
    function mykeydownhandler( evt )
        // Skip it unless it's a-z.
        if( evt.which < "A".charCodeAt(0) || evt.which > "Z".charCodeAt(0) )
            console.log( "Not a letter: ", evt.which );
        var letter = String.fromCharCode( evt.which );
        if( !evt.shiftKey ) letter = letter.toLowerCase();
        console.log( letter );


In your create() function:

    game.input.keyboard.addCallbacks( this, mykeydownhandler );

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