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Problem Webpack Always Pack Non Production File


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Greetings everyone,

I'm still quite new in using NPM and has a problem to utilize the tools into Phaser 3 development. I downloaded the project template from here: https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser3-project-template, and run the webpack command. The "packing" itself was succeed and my browser show the desired canvas. After I looked on "build" folder, I noticed the file size of project.bundle.js was 5.277 KB! That's very big. I opened it up in text editor and found the bundled scripts wasn't the minified one.


I tried to build Phaser in node_modules using  `npm run dist` and rebuild my project, but the result was the same.

I also tried to added this code into my webpack config:

new webpack.LoaderOptionsPlugin({
options: {
optimization: {
minimizer: [new uglifyjs()]
mode: "production"

but the result is also still the same, the build will thrown a 5.277 KB bundled file.

How do I change the packing into the minified ones? Is it just by modifying the webpack config or is that any special command to use?


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