Heppell08 Posted February 21, 2014 Share Posted February 21, 2014 So after some serious trial and error i evetually got tilemaps unloading and loading on demand with a few tile functions. It's all clever stuff and working brilliantly!My new issue and for some reason a very trivial issue at that!Anytime i load the new tilemap after destroying the old tilemap i cant collide my player with it.It sort of hangs a bit then drops through. At first i tried bringToTop(); then i tried killing and reloading the player at the new X/Y co-ords but still not able to collide. I then decided on a new var for a layer and called it layer2, set the physics for colliding with layer2 on a newly loaded tilemap and still i fall through the world.I've no idea what i'm doing wrong and the only next best idea i have is reloading the whole state but that seems very wasteful and i know theres a simpler way. Heres some of the code im usng to achieve what i need based on map switching and recreating. code:var tileFunc1 = { mapSwitch: function() { layer.destroy(); deathText.destroy(); map = this.add.tilemap('level02'); map.addTilesetImage('Space02', 'tiles'); layer2 = map.createLayer('Space02'); layer2.resizeWorld(); map.setCollision(211); // Main Floor deathText = this.add.text(10,10,'Deaths: 0',{ font: "28px Arial", fill: "#ff0044" }); deathText.fixedToCamera = true; deathText.color = 0xff0091; jButton.bringToTop(); player.x = playerX; player.y = playerY - 120; this.physics.collide(player, layer2); },Thats the basics of this function im trying to use, any help appreciated on this collision stuff.thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Heppell08 Posted February 21, 2014 Author Share Posted February 21, 2014 yeah i declared layer2 var in update instead of in the tilefunction, works fine now.update: function() { this.physics.collide(player, layer); this.physics.collide(player, layer2); )Just needed to declare the unloaded layers in the update for when they need used. Didnt think i needed them loaded in instantly but you do haha Thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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