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Tilemaps and tilesets


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Hello, I've been enjoying this framework, till I got into one thing - tilemaps.

First of all, i want to create a tilemap from array (as I know one of the ways is to export array to csv and the give csv to the tilemap).


so i can use this code:

game.load.tilemap('fog', null, fog.toCsv(), Phaser.Tilemap.CSV);

The tiles will be of 2 types - empty or black. So I only need one image (black.png for example).


In earlies versions I saw something like game.load.tileset, but it's no longer there.


so now I'm sitting with this code, and I have no idea what to do next:

    fog.tilemap = game.add.tilemap('fog');    /**    * Dunno what to do here    */    //fog.tilemap.addTilesetImage('Desert','tile');    var layer = map.createLayer('fog');

How can I give the tileset with black image for the tilemap. I don't want to use the json file, since the maps will be dynamic, also i find the json in tilemap examples look really strange.

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I've got the same issue although I'm creating a tilemap from JSON. My code was based on the examples that use game.load.tileset but that doesn't seem to be anywhere. Anyone know the correct way of loading the tileset? I saw in another post someone using game.load.image but that doesn't allow the margins to be set.

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I should have looked at the source a bit more carefully. The old swaptiles example at http://gametest.mobi/phaser/examples/_site/view_full.html?d=tilemaps&f=swap+tiles.js&t=swap%20tiles has:

game.load.tilemap('desert', 'assets/maps/desert.json', null, Phaser.Tilemap.TILED_JSON);game.load.tileset('tiles', 'assets/tiles/tmw_desert_spacing.png', 32, 32, -1, 1, 1);

the latest source at https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser/blob/master/examples/tilemaps/swap%20tiles.js has:

game.load.tilemap('desert', 'assets/tilemaps/maps/desert.json', null, Phaser.Tilemap.TILED_JSON);game.load.image('tiles', 'assets/tilemaps/tiles/tmw_desert_spacing.png');

So  I reckon just change to load.image. I presume that the new tilemap picks up margins from the map definition rather than what would have been the tileset. I haven't tried this yet as I not at my dev. PC.

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