MeMyMo Posted November 7, 2018 Share Posted November 7, 2018 I haven't been able to figure this out. I have a "Player" class that extends Sprite: export default class Player extends Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite{ constructor(scene, x, y, config) { super(scene, x, y, config.key); this.scene = scene; this.lastAnim = null; this.vel = 200;; this.scene.add.existing(this); const { LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN } = Phaser.Input.Keyboard.KeyCodes; this.keys = this.scene.input.keyboard.addKeys({ left: LEFT, right: RIGHT, up: UP, down: DOWN, }); } preUpdate (time, delta) { super.preUpdate(time, delta); const keys = this.keys; let animationName = 'player-idle'; if (keys.left.isDown) { this.body.setVelocityX(-this.vel); this.setFlipX(true); } else if (keys.right.isDown) { this.body.setVelocityX(this.vel); this.setFlipX(false); } if (keys.up.isDown) { this.body.setVelocityY(-this.vel); } else if (keys.down.isDown) { this.body.setVelocityY(this.vel); } // TODO: Clean this up if (keys.up.isDown || keys.down.isDown || keys.left.isDown || keys.right.isDown) { animationName = "player-walk"; } else { animationName = 'player-idle'; } if(this.lastAnim !== animationName) { this.lastAnim = animationName;, true); } } } I instantiate it in the "create" method of the scene: this.player = new Player(this, 300, 300, {key: 'player'}); The Sprite animates and everything, but it just stays in the same place. My game setup: const gameConfig = { width: 1024, height: 768, scene: GameScene, pixelArt: true, zoom: 2, physics: { default: 'arcade', arcade: { gravity: { y: 0 }, debug: false } }, }; I've seen examples that create an update method then call it in the scene update loop, but shouldn't preUpdate be the same? Any help appreciated! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MeMyMo Posted November 7, 2018 Author Share Posted November 7, 2018 So it was actually working, it was just that I had a black background and the camera followed my character. Doh. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MeiaGaspea Posted January 18, 2021 Share Posted January 18, 2021 Thank you very much, I was looking for a solution for 2 days -_- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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