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Sprite vs Sprite overlap - how to tell if you're landing from the top or from the side


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Hi all, 


Making a basic mario clone and busy working on killing the enemies when the player jumps on top of them. If I use physics.collide it works great with the following in my collideCallback

 collideWithEnemy: function (player, enemy) {            if (player.body.touching.down && !player.body.onFloor()) {                player.body.velocity.y = -400;                enemy.killedByPlayer();            } else {                player.alive = false;                player.body.velocity.x = 0;                player.body.velocity.y = -400;                player.outOfBoundsKill = true;                player.body.collideWorldBounds = false;            }         }

If I land on top then the enemy dies, otherwise if the collision is from the side I die. The problem is that the collision causes the enemy to stop moving and I want him to keep walking. 


I'm trying to use overlap to solve this as it doesn't apply physics to either of the objects. How would I check if I'm landing mostly from the top in order to kill the enemy?


I've thought about player.body.y + height > enemy.body.y but that would be true for every overlap.


Thanks in advance =)

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I think you are on the right track with using collide and then do you own checks to figure out what kind of a collide (kill player or kill enemy).


How about something like this:

if ( player.body.y + player.body.height < enemie.body.y + 20) {  enemie.kill() } else {  player.kill();}

If the players feet (y + height) are within the head of the enemie (the top most 20 pixel of the enemie) then we kill the enemie, otherwhise we kill the player.

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I think you are on the right track with using collide and then do you own checks to figure out what kind of a collide (kill player or kill enemy).


How about something like this:

if ( player.body.y + player.body.height < enemie.body.y + 20) {  enemie.kill() } else {  player.kill();}

If the players feet (y + height) are within the head of the enemie (the top most 20 pixel of the enemie) then we kill the enemie, otherwhise we kill the player.


That sounds like a step in the right direction. Will give it a go and see how it turns out :D

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