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Cocoon Webview+ and bitmap fonts


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I know this topic has been addressed in older posts but none of them specify if they work in Webview+

I currently have a game using 2.10.5 that I want to run in Webview+ but I can't get the bitmap fonts to work.  I tried converting the .fnt(xml) to .json using https://codebeautify.org/xmltojson but it's still not working.  Do I load the json file like:

this.game.load.bitmapFont('drsob', 'assets/fonts/drsob_0.png', 'assets/fonts/drsob.json');

or change the .json extention to .xml and do:

this.game.load.bitmapFont('drsob', 'assets/fonts/drsob_0.png', 'assets/fonts/drsob.xml');


Has anyone else got bitmat fonts to work in Webview+?

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