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Bitmapfont fixedToCamera help.


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I have a font i want to use but only at a certain point. 

All my code is fine and working nicely but the font will not fix to the camera at all.


I've set he X/Y for centerX/Y but it doesnt show up. Then when i set it to player X/Y it shows up there but wont stick to screen. 

I've got buttons and other text fixed to the camera but the font wont stick.


Is this not possible or implemented? or am i doing something wrong? Here's the code:

pausetext = this.add.bitmapText(20, 20,'Game Paused',    {        font:'64px bluefont',        align:'center'    } );                pausetext.scale.x = 0.5;        pausetext.scale.y = 0.5;        pausetext.fixedToCamera = true;

I've no idea whats wrong here and its the same as what i do to fix other stuff to the camera. Any idea?


Thanks :)

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