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Having trouble getting started, specifically add.sprite issues


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Hey all, I have a rather large codebase that I was hoping to convert to take advantage of Phaser and running into an issue that I am fairly clueless on.  I have loaded a sprite sheet and am trying to add the sprite to a player object but am getting this error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'sprite' of undefined.

playerObject.prototype.createPlayer = function() {
    if (this.isDead == false) {
        // x, y, name
        let player_x = Array.isArray(room.map.json.player) ? room.map.json.player[0] : 0
        let player_y = Array.isArray(room.map.json.player) ? room.map.json.player[1] : 0
        this.physic = new physicsBody({
            type: "dynamic"
            , shape: "circle"
            , x: player_x / physics.scale
            , y: player_y / physics.scale
            , radius: 0.5
            , fixedRotation: true
            , mass: 20
            , userData: this
        this.anim = mainGame.add.sprite(player_x, player_y, 'run')

This is a multiplayer game, so I create all my players and am trying to assign this specific sprite.  I can console.log mainGame and get the proper information, so I know that's not undefined.  I'm not getting any other errors, so I'm really not sure what the problem is here.


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