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Making an object clickable outside of the class.


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Basically I have a card

export default class Card {
	constructor(scene,x, y, sprite, text, player) {
		this.render = () => {
			let card = scene.add.image(x,y,sprite).setScale(0.2,0.2).setInteractive();
			let cardText = scene.add.text(x- 75, y - 100,text).setFontSize(17).setColor('#000000').setInteractive();
			card.on('pointerover', function () {
				card.y = card.y - 50;
				cardText.y = cardText.y - 50;
			card.on('pointerout', function()  {
				card.y = card.y + 50;
				cardText.y = cardText.y + 50;
			card.on('pointerdown', function() {
			return card;
		this.getPlayer = () => {
			return player;

and I then need to have functionality in my scene so that if it is clicked, I can call two methods in two classes, Player, and playZone, which aren't accessible by card.js. This will then move the card location and a few other things. I can't do the pointerdown in card.js as I need to be able to add the card object to the specific playZone.

Hopefully this makes sense! I'm new to Javascript and I am far more familiar with Java.

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