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spawns new blocks


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hi all, here I'm trying to make a stack tower game using Phaser 3, but I'm having a hard time to spwans a new block when the previous block has stopped. please help because I'm still new to studying in Phaser 3.

  Create :

    speed = 4;

    cube = this.add.sprite(300,650, "cGame").setInteractive();;
    cube.on('pointerdown', function ()
           speed = (speed === 0);

    this.time.delayedCall(0, this.startInputEvents, [], this);


Update :

cube.x = cube.x + speed;
    if (cube.x > 520) {
        speed = -speed;
    else if (cube.x < 80) {
        speed = -speed;


Edited by VJDev
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