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How to have a method that wait on that a timeline is fully played?


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I'm quite new in Phaser, but I've already done a bunch of ionic/angular app.

One of my object has a method that will be called by the main scene:

  powerOff() {
    let easing = 'Cubic'
    let overallDuration = 500
    let visiblePauseDuration = 100

    let flashDuration = overallDuration - visiblePauseDuration / 2

      tweens: [
          targets: this,
          duration: 0,
          tint: 0xff0000,
          ease: easing,
          targets: this,
          duration: flashDuration,
          tint: 0xffffff,
          ease: easing,
          targets: this,
          duration: visiblePauseDuration,
          tint: 0xff0000,
          ease: easing,
          targets: this,
          duration: flashDuration,
          tint: 0xffffff,
          ease: easing,
          targets: this,
          duration: visiblePauseDuration,
          tint: 0xff0000,
          ease: easing,
          onComplete: () => {
          targets: this,
          duration: flashDuration,
          tint: 0xf54242,
          ease: easing,

    this.poweredUp = false

The thing is: I need not exit of this method before the whole thing is completed.


Is there some await/async support? Or at least promises ? 

The scene will call this method on a lot of different objects, and I need that they are not done in parallel but sequentially.


Thanks a lot!!!

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