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Hi, how do I cast in JavaScript?

function ballHitBrick(ball, brick){	console.log(Phaser.Group(brick.parent));	console.log(brick.parent as Phaser.Group);}

I tried the code above and this error came out:



  1. Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'addChild' of undefined phaser.min.js:5
    1. ballHitBrickBreakout.js:164
    2. c.Physics.Arcade.collideSpriteVsGroupphaser.min.js:12
    3. c.Physics.Arcade.collideHandlerphaser.min.js:12
    4. c.Physics.Arcade.collidephaser.min.js:12
    5. c.StateManager.updatephaser.min.js:4
    6. c.Game.updatephaser.min.js:5
    7. c.RequestAnimationFrame.updateRAFphaser.min.js:8
    8. window.requestAnimationFrame._onLoopphaser.min.js:8


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I already created a custom class. What I need is for the collider in the event, in this case, the brick.parent to recognize it as Brick (extending Phaser.Group that contains separate sprites e.g:eyes, mouth etc), so it can retrieve a public variable I defined it in.


In case of the example you've given, I need something like this:

MonsterGroup = function (game, image, action) {    Phaser.Group.call(this, game);    this.hobby = 'algebra';}
function playerHitMonster(player,monster){	console.log(monster.parent.hobby);	//console.log((monster.parent as MonsterGroup).hobby);}

Since I can't cast in JavaScript, I'm kinda lost how to recognize the collider's parent as MonsterGroup to retrieve its hobby.

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You can just check if the object contains the field you are looking for, and then expect the object to be the type you expect it to be:

if (monster.parent.hobby) { // given that you trust monster to always have a parent property to begin with  console.log(monster.parent.hobby);}

It's probably not the cleanest way, but it should do the trick as long as you are not storing booleans in the property that you are testing.

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