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time event loop


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Hello, I have a question. 

I add a group to my game, and try to repeat that over a time interval.
monkeyObstacle = game.add.group();monkeyObstacle.createMultiple(5, 'monkey_obstacle');this.timerMonkey = this.game.time.events.loop(2000, this.addMonkey, this); addMonkey: function() {    var monkey = monkeyObstacle.getFirstDead();    monkey.reset(1300, 47);    monkey.body.velocity.x = - 200;    monkey.outOfBoundsKill = true; ;}

But not always respect the allocated time interval (2000).


Red circles in the selected interval is respected, but the green leaves of respect. 
What could be the cause?



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when I've used timer , sometimes its seems like the fps drops or something and things happen sooner or later than what they should be,   when I set up bullets to shoot at a constant rate every few seconds there would be lag.         It could be that there is only 5 monkeys in the group and they aren't being removed quick enough when out of bounds,   try increasing the amount in the group maybe? and see if that helps

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