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Snake Game


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I am making a game using the phaser game engine similar to the popular game snake. I am looking for code to that if the right arrow key is pressed once, the snake continues right until another key is pressed or it hits the wall. I am wondering if anybody knows how to do this using the current phaser engine or if it could be added in the future. thanks 

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you can set the body's x and y velocity to equal to variables then change those variables on keypress, eg :

physics needs to be enabled on group/sprite in your create function.


var xVelocity=0;

var yVelocity=0;


function update()





 if (game.input.keyboard.isDown(Phaser.Keyboard.LEFT)) {       // do the same for other directions changing xVelocity and yVelocity to correct values

//set both velocities of body so sprite travels only in single direction


//collision handler to change direction on collide with wall

 game.physics.arcade.collide(snake, wall, collisionHandler, null, this);




 function collisionHandler(obj1,obj2)














this code should get you started.


there will be a few bugs and problems with movement but that can be fixed by changing or adding in more checks on the snakes velocity or position

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