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Stop the game after first contact


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hey everyone!


I'm new to phaser and I'm running into a little problem using the P2 physics engine:


I have objects moving from top to bottom and the player at the very bottom (imagine a little shmup here). I want all of the objects to stop moving the moment the player touches either object. I've set up collisionGroups for the objects and the player and I've set a onBeginContact listener on the player's body.


Problem is: everything stops just fine but the player and the object hit both keep moving slowly away from one another. I assume it's because the actual collision is being executed after the onBeginContact signal has been dispatched since setting both bodies' velocities to 0 doesn't help. Here is the full listener function I use:

onPlayerCollision: function (body, shapeA, shapeB, equation){    // stop all hazards from scrolling    this.hazards.setAll('body.velocity.y', 0);    // prevent player from moving    this.player.body.setZeroVelocity();    // stop the background tile scrolling    this.ground.stopScroll(0, 0);    // stop the timer    this.timer.stop(true);    // pause the update loop    this.isRunning = false;},

So my question is: is there a way to cancel the execution of the contact or do I need to take a completely different approach? I'd rather avoid using impacts since the docs say they're expensive. I saw that an array of equation objects is being passed to the hit function but I didn't find anything in the docs about what I could possibly do with these and the log output is a massive load of data.

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you could set the body of the object that hit the player to static.        object.body.static = true;


do you really need physics for the game.. because overlaps can be calculated without physics.. and simlpe movements from top to bottom are a matter of  y += 1  on every update cicle.


still you could remove the collision completely between the player and the object and use the "intersects()" method to find out if they hit each other..

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