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websocke online game with phaser: fallingBlocks multiplayer


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hi guys,


I want to show you the multiplayer (two-player) version of my fallingBlocks (tetris clone) game.


fallingBlocksOnline0.png    fallingBlocksOnline1.png


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You can test it by playing against yourself in another tab - or even better play it against a friend.


Steps to play:

1) Login (choose a temporary username)

2) One person has to create a game

3) Another person has to join this game (all open games are listed)


N & M turn the blocks, Cursor or ASDW to move them. (up / w = smack the block down down)


Tech used:

Game engine: phaser of course and native browser websockets

server side: nodejs with "ws" as the websocket lib

login/gamelist: modal html dialogs provided by bootstrap


Any feedback or questions would be cool :)

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I think this is well done. As far as feedback goes there are only minor things:

- There is a slight delay in the next block appearing when I place a block. Personally I'd rather have it instant (if possible)

- When you rotate some blocks, they shift over left/right by one. E.g. the long 4 square block shifts left/right by one when you rotate it twice.

- It could use some additional sounds/music.


Other than those things it worked well. Good work dude.

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hi kevin,


Thank you for checking it out and giving feedback!


>There is a slight delay in the next block appearing when I place a block. Personally I'd rather have it instant (if possible)

I have fixed the 'smack down' code, so that after the block hits the next one appears instantly.

I also made sure that the lower line of any spawning block is instant visibly. (the squares spawned a line too high)

This hopefully fixes this lag issue. - If you try it again, please use Ctrl+F5 to reload the site, to make sure no old js from the browsers cache is used.


>When you rotate some blocks, they shift over left/right by one. E.g. the long 4 square block shifts left/right by one when you rotate it twice.

About this one I am not sure. It's because the block does not have a real center to rotate around. I should check out the handling in the gameboy tetris (that's what I consider the original.. played that so much, but it was also sooo long ago :) )


>It could use some additional sounds/music.

True, good music and maybe more sounds would be a nice touch - but both are hard to come by :)


btw: for those just wanting to test the game (without the multiplayer ascpect) use this link: Play solo

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