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group forEachAlive/Exists not working


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i can't get group.forEach methods to work.
Everytime i call them, callback method receives only one null. I tried it on different groups in different parts of the code(just after reset/revive) without any luck.

Player.prototype.onClick03 = function () {    FloorBuilder.group.forEachExists(this.onClick03Callback(), this);    };Player.prototype.onClick03Callback = function (floor) {    console.log("tick");//gets called only once    if (floor == null) {        console.log("onClick03Callback error no floor");        return false;//always ends here once    }}

My groups always have atleast 10 alive sprites, that i can see in game.
This is my little example:

function testmethod() {    game.load.image("empty", 'img/fish.png');    var physengine = game.physics.arcade;    var group = game.add.group();    //create    for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {        var c = group.create(i,   //x                                i * 2, //y                                'empty'//floor name random                                );        //console.log('adding: '+ c.key);        c.name = 'testfloor';        physengine.enable(c);        c.body.allowGravity = false;        c.body.immovable = true;        c.body.checkCollision.left = false;        c.body.checkCollision.right = false;        c.body.checkCollision.down = false;        c.kill();        if (c.exists) {            console.log("bug");        }    }    //add to game    for (var i = 0; i<5; i++) {        console.log("t");        var c = group.getFirstDead();        c.reset(i * c.width, 300 - c.height);                c.body.immovable = true;        c.body.checkCollision.left = false;        c.body.checkCollision.right = false;        c.body.checkCollision.down = false;    }//works until this line    group.forEachExists(player.onClick03Callback(), null);//group.forEachAlive(player.onClick03Callback(), null);}Player.prototype.onClick03Callback = function (floor) {    console.log("floor check tick");// :<    if (floor == null) {        console.log("onClick03Callback error no floor");        return false;    }}

What am i doing wrong?

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