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Measure FPS


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Hello friends!


I don't understand how to use engine.beginFrame(). It says in the documentation that it should measure the Frames Per Second but i don't understand how it works.


If anyone could show me a example that would have been awesome.


I have tried to measure the FPS by my self and it looks something like this.

var lastCalledTime;var fps;var stop = 0;    var renderLoop = function () {        // Start new frame	if(!lastCalledTime) {	     lastCalledTime = new Date().getTime();	     fps = 0;	     BABYLON.Tools.QueueNewFrame(renderLoop);	     return;        }	delta = (new Date().getTime() - lastCalledTime)/1000;	lastCalledTime = new Date().getTime();        fps = 1/delta;        // a stop variable since it hard to se the fps when it's displayed 60 times per         //second,         if(stop == 30){                    // a div element to display the fps            fpsDiv.innerHTML = parseInt(fps);				                stop = 0;        }	engine.beginFrame();        scene.render();	// Present        engine.endFrame();        // Register new frame	BABYLON.Tools.QueueNewFrame(renderLoop);        stop++;};

It shows a frame rate between 60 and 0 but it's usually quite low around 16 FPS.

I have a piece of shit computer so that doesn't surprise me, but i want to be sure that i really measure the fps.



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a better way than Google to find something :


go here : http://doc.babylonjs.com/

type "fps" in the search zone in the top right corner, and that's all  ;)


Maybe (although I never really like to restrict my search to just one site), but people do get here via Google so I think it's important to make sure the answers here are correct  :)

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