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Phaser.blendModes.MULTIPLY not working with CocoonJS Canvas+


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I've developed a lighting/shading function that uses an Image with Phaser.blendModes.MULTIPLY. This works great on PC, but with CocoonJS it seems to simply ignore the blendmode. The result is that the entire game simply becomes white/gray where the lighting and shading blending should be. Has anybody else run into this and is there a solution?



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Is there a better place to ask about this?


I've done a great deal of testing with Phaser and CocoonJS, but I don't think I've ever tried the blend modes. Chances are good, though, that if you see CocoonJS 'ignoring' something, it might just be the case that it doesn't have support for that.


When you are using it, does that functionality throw any errors in the console?

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