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How to override collide behaviour with tiles?


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            if (this.game.physics.arcade.collide(this, this.game.level.blockedLayer, null, this.checkHitsHardblock))            {                        blocked = true; //checked, NEVER CALLS            }        checkHitsHardblock(ob1: any, obj2: any) {            return false;        }
The character still hits into hard blocks?
but when i delete the above collide check. he does not. (no checks)
So he is still colliding, even though collide is always returning false.


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You can set callbacks for when the player hits a specific type of tile, for example...

// Make the layerrockLayer=map.createLayer('Rocks');// Set collision for only these tile indexesmap.setCollision([0,3,6,7,8,9,10],true,'Rocks');// Set a custom callback for tile of index 3    map.setTileIndexCallback(3, hitDifferentBlock, player, 'Rocks');

Then in custom function hitDifferentBlock, you do your custom hit action, then return false or true to the general hit check.

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thank you, i am looking into it.


However, I really dont get the whole setCollision and setTileIndexCallback.

I have maybe 1200 tiles. How am i supposed to know all of the tile indexes!

i'm going to try looping through a blocked layer and adding callbacks to each tile returned. I assume it will return it's index too.


there should be a setCollisionAll() and a setCallBackAll()

That way you can build a map from layers, and all the tiles on layer "rocks" act in that way etc.



However collide still is not working how its supposed to; Im wondering if this is related to this bug?


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You have 1200 types of tiles or 1200 total tiles?

setTileIndexCallback applies the callback to every tile that uses the same indexed tile graphic.

So if you have a tile that is, a mario question mark block, and you apply the setTileIndexCallback to that index from the tileset, every tile that uses that graphic with fire the callback upon collision/overlap.

Without seeing it in action I can only guess at what the issue is.

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