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Input event on class


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I try to implement a input event handler from an class inherited of Sprite class. See below


Rts.Unit = function Unit(game, x, y) {
    Phaser.Sprite.call(this, game, x, y, 'player');
    this.inputEnabled = true;
    this.selected = false;
    return this;
Rts.Unit.prototype = Object.create(Phaser.Sprite.prototype);
Rts.Unit.prototype.constructor = Rts.Unit;
Rts.Unit.prototype.dummy = function() {
Rts.Unit.prototype.select = function() {
    this.selected = true;
but it's doesnt work and raise error
"Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function"
My game is manage by state.


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Most often, when I get such errors, it's because 'this' is not what I expect it to be.


The development tools should tell you which line the error occurs in.  Put a "console.log(this);" in the line before and restart. The next time the error comes up, take a look what 'this' really is and if it has the method you want. For if 'this' is your gamestate-object and you expect it to be 'game', try "this.game" instead.

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Thanks , that's true "this" is not what i expected in this context, i don't understand why in the event context i can't use a self reference to an object function. Why the "event" works in game -state context ?

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Thanks , that's true "this" is not what i expected in this context, i don't understand why in the event context i can't use a self reference to an object function. Why the "event" works in game -state context ?


You can (as Lewester pointed out), it's just, that 'this' act's really strange or someone coming from other langages. These links might be of interest:




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