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Cannot remove a single Tween in v2.0.5

Dev Monster

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I have been trying to remove a single tween from a game after adding it but cannot seem to remove it no matter what I do.


I add my tween like this:


// yoyo tween for ball movement
this.idleBallTween = this.game.add.tween(ball).to({y: -50}, 500 , Phaser.Easing.Sinusoidal.InOut, true, 0, 9999, true);



Then I tried to remove it with all the methods below but it never gets removed and generates an error:



this.game.remove(this.idleBallTween);    (from http://docs.phaser.io/Phaser.TweenManager.html#remove)

TypeError: this.game.remove is not a function




TypeError: this.game.removeTween is not a function   (from previous versions of Phaser)



this.idleBallTween.isRunning = false;
this.idleBallTween.pendingDelete = true; // always force pendingDelete


NO ERROR but tween is not removed



this.idleBallTween.isRunning = false;
this.idleBallTween.pendingDelete = true; // always force pendingDelete
this.idleBallTween = null;
this.tweens = []; (tried to empty the entire tweens array and it worked, showed no tweens at all in the console, but the tween is still running)


NO ERROR but tween is not removed and still plays





NO ERROR but tween is not removed



Can somebody please help with this? What am I doing wrong?



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game.tweens.remove(tween) should work. I've created a jsfiddle to test: http://jsfiddle.net/lewster32/3Sx5h/ - it's running 2.0.4 but I don't think any tweening stuff changed.


It looks like maybe a scope issue - maybe check to see if 'this' is what it should be within the context of where you're adding and removing the tween.

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I tried stop() and but the tween did not stop...I am also trying to remove it completley from the project.



game.tweens.remove(tween) should work. I've created a jsfiddle to test: http://jsfiddle.net/lewster32/3Sx5h/ - it's running 2.0.4 but I don't think any tweening stuff changed.


It looks like maybe a scope issue - maybe check to see if 'this' is what it should be within the context of where you're adding and removing the tween.


I did a version on top of your jsfiddle example (Im not using TypeScript so I had to change it). Its located here: http://jsfiddle.net/3Sx5h/9/


It works fine in 2.0.4 the way you described and with my modified code how Im using it (non TypeScript). There is no cdnjs.cloudflare source for 2.0.5 so I am not able to test using 2.0.5 but in my project, it no longer works to stop the tween using the methods that we put in jsfiddle.


It would be interesting to see a test in 2.0.5 to see if its broken.

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My version wasn't done in TypeScript, just plain ol' JavaScript! I've updated it to use the version of Phaser from examples.phaser.io (2.0.5 - latest) and it still works as expected: http://jsfiddle.net/lewster32/3Sx5h/


Be careful with scope - in your changes you've initialised idleBallTween on line 10 without var, which makes it global (accessible outside of all of your states) - you should really just do this.idleBallTween on line 21 and reference it as such from then on, as 'this' then belongs to the state (Boot).

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My version wasn't done in TypeScript, just plain ol' JavaScript! I've updated it to use the version of Phaser from examples.phaser.io (2.0.5 - latest) and it still works as expected: http://jsfiddle.net/lewster32/3Sx5h/


Be careful with scope - in your changes you've initialised idleBallTween on line 10 without var, which makes it global (accessible outside of all of your states) - you should really just do this.idleBallTween on line 21 and reference it as such from then on, as 'this' then belongs to the state (Boot).


Ok...thats good to know. I have been creating alot of vars like that and maybe thats why I cannot access them. I have also done it like this:


BasicGame.Boot = function (game) {

    this.idleBallTween = null;



That would also scope the idleBallTween to the state and not globally right?

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Yes, but you don't need to generally initialise state properties in advance - if you look at the example, I've altered it to remove this line and it still works fine. 


If you're ever in doubt about the value of 'this', just do console.log(this) and see what you get. If you're still not sure, set a unique property like this.test = "blah" and then try to access it again elsewhere with console.log(this.test) - just little ways of trying to get to grips with scope, which is not always easy with the various different styles of writing JavaScript.

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