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Place text on top of over images (sprites, buttons etc)


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I'd like to have some variable text on my buttons and I'd live to have some text on top of sprites that are subject to the arcade physics. Is there a nice way to tether text to a sprite or button? 


Maybe put them in the same group, but then can you put these groups into *other* groups? 






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Yes you can put groups into groups into groups as far down as you want to. Handily Sprites can also have things added to them using sprite.addChild(text) - like so:

var sprite = game.add.sprite(0, 0, 'button');var text = game.add.text(0, 0, "Some text", {font: "16px Arial", fill: "#ffffff"});sprite.addChild(text);// now text will be positioned relative to the sprite, and will move around with it like a group - except with sprites you can still use physics 
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