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P2, having different bodies with different gravity


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So my current project builds around gravity quite a lot, and the "gravityScale" simply doesn't cut it anymore, I need to apply gravity to different objects with entirely different gravity vectors. At the moment I am using:


game.physics.p2.gravity.x = calculatedGravity.x;
game.physics.p2.gravity.y = calculatedGravity.y;
but this applies to ALL objects. Bodies in P2 doesn't seem to have the local gravity settings that Arcade physics gives, but then again, I might just be using it wrong.
Before I altogether disable the P2 gravity system (game.physics.p2.applyGravity = false) and create my own by adding to all object's force each step, I would like to hear if anyone else had this problem and fixed it or have any idea how to.
Thank you for any help :)
PS: I couldn't find anything about this in the P2 documentation, so it is most likely a limitation in P2, not Phaser.
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It *is* a limitation in Phaser, as far as I know. Here's the relevant bit from the Phaser docs:



gravity Phaser.Point

A locally applied gravity force to the Body. Applied directly before the world step. NOTE: Not currently implemented.




edit: Looks like you're stuck with using applyForce to simulate gravity. Careful: The docs on applyForce specify the force as a Number, but it really expects a p2 vector (a Float32Array with [0] being x and [1] being y, in p2 units per second - use Phaser.Physics.P2.pxmi(value) to convert pixels to p2 units)

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