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How do I align text with a sprite ?


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I'm just starting out HTML5 and JS game development using Phaser. I've managed to find most of the info I'm looking for but I can't find the answer to the above question.

I'm looking for a method to display an animated sprite that also has a text label overlay that will always be centred to the sprite. How can I do this ?




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Set an anchor on the sprite and then when you create the text you need to set the X/Y of the text to the same as the player.

in the loop you could just put:

spriteText.x = player.x;

spriteText.y = player.y;

that would have it constantly on the sprite but you can offset the text by adding a little more to the values to position to your liking.

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Alternatively if you do the following, the text will become 'part of' the sprite (it will become one of its children) and be positioned relative to it:

sprite.addChild(spriteText); // add the text to the sprite as a child, just like a group spriteText.x = spriteText.width * -0.5; // center the textspriteText.y = -10 // position the text 10 pixels above the origin of the sprite
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Hi lewster32,


Using your calculations put the text in the wrong position. It ended up like this:




So I changed the code to something like:

this.tilesList[0] = this.game.add.sprite(this.tilesX, this.tilesY, 'playerbar');this.player1Text = this.game.add.text(0, 0, 'Player 1', { font: "30px Arial", fill: "#ffffff", align: "left" });this.tilesList[0].addChild(this.player1Text);this.player1Text.x =  (this.tilesList[0].width - this.player1Text.width) / 2;this.player1Text.y = (this.tilesList[0].height - this.player1Text.height) / 2;

Which gave the correct result:




Same method of working out centred  text as all other text widgets. :-)

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