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Tilemap Works! Sort Of....


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I finally got tilemaps working, but now there's something weird happening.  There are black lines showing.

Here's the code:

var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.AUTO, 'phaser-example', { preload: preload, create: create, update: update, render: render });function preload() {    game.load.tilemap('map', 'assets/level.csv', null, Phaser.Tilemap.CSV);    game.load.image('tiles', 'tileset.png');}var map;var layer;var cursors;function create() {    //  Because we're loading CSV map data we have to specify the tile size here or we can't render it    map = game.add.tilemap('map', 16, 16);    //  Now add in the tileset    map.addTilesetImage('tiles');        //  Create our layer    layer = map.createLayer(0);    //  Resize the world    layer.resizeWorld();    //  Allow cursors to scroll around the map    cursors = game.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys();    help.fixedToCamera = true;}function update() {    if (cursors.left.isDown) {        game.camera.x -= 4;    }    else if (cursors.right.isDown) {        game.camera.x += 4;    }    if (cursors.up.isDown) {        game.camera.y -= 4;    }    else if (cursors.down.isDown) {        game.camera.y += 4;    }}function render() {}

The CSV tilemap:


The Tileset: consisting of 2 20x20 sprites:



The Result, Lined with Black:



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In your code, you specify the tilemap as using 16x16 tiles, but you're actually using 20x20 tiles. This makes the code cut your tilemap up the wrong way, resulting in distorted tiles.


Also, I'm not sure if the tilemap uses (0) as the first tile, or automatically as an empty tile. If above code is not enough to fix it, try to add another 20x20 tile that is transparent to the left of the blue tile.

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