csimpson.web Posted July 29, 2014 Share Posted July 29, 2014 Hi guys im building a whack the rabbit style game , where i have an overall game timer , and then i need to run individual timers on each hole (10 in total) .. Hit a problem trying to run them all from game.time.create, obviously its overiding the other timers. My question is , how do i run a master game timer , and individual game timers alongside .. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lewster32 Posted July 29, 2014 Share Posted July 29, 2014 Using game.time.create should not override other timers - each timer created via that method will manage its own events. See this example: http://examples.phaser.io/_site/view_full.html?d=time&f=custom+timer.js&t=custom%20timer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
csimpson.web Posted July 29, 2014 Author Share Posted July 29, 2014 thats what i thought , and i am using that example .. what am i missing here ??var playState = { create: function() { //Load the background image this.background = game.add.sprite(0, 0, 'background'); this.background.anchor.x = 0; this.background.anchor.y = 0; this.doorsClosed = game.add.sprite(110, 120, 'doorsClosed'); this.doorsClosed.inputEnabled = true; this.doorsClosed.events.onInputDown.add(this.doorsClosedListener, this); this.doorsClosed.visible = false; this.doorsHalfOpen = game.add.sprite(110, 120, 'doorsHalfOpen'); this.doorsHalfOpen.inputEnabled = true; this.doorsHalfOpen.events.onInputDown.add(this.doorsHalfOpenListener, this); this.fireStateOne = game.add.sprite(90, 120, 'fireStateOne'); this.doorsHalfOpen.visible = false; this.fireStateOne.visible = false; this.doorsOpen = game.add.sprite(35, 120, 'doorsOpen'); this.doorsOpen.inputEnabled = true; this.doorsOpen.events.onInputDown.add(this.doorsOpenListener, this); this.fireStateTwo = game.add.sprite(90, 120, 'fireStateTwo'); this.doorsOpen.visible = false; this.fireStateTwo.visible = false; this.ovenTimers(); this.masterTimer(); }, update: function() { //this.holeTimer(); }, // -================- create: function() -================- masterTimer: function() { //Create the overall game timer this.masterTimer = game.time.create(false); // Set a TimerEvent to occur after 2 seconds this.masterTimer.loop(1000, this.updateTimer, this); //Set the label to show the time remaining this.timeLabel = game.add.text(game.width-240, 20, 'Time Left: '+game.global.masterTimer+'s', { font: '30px Arial', fill: '#ffffff' }); this.timeLabel.anchor.setTo(0, 0); this.masterTimer.start(); //console.info(masterTimer); }, ovenTimers: function() { // Create the oven timer this.oven1timer = game.time.create(false); // Set a TimerEvent to occur after 2 seconds this.oven1timer.loop(1000, this.updateOvenTimer, this); // Set the label to show the time remaining this.timeLabel = game.add.text(game.width - 1870, 60, 'Time Left: ' + game.global.oven1timer + 's', { font: '26px Arial', fill: '#ffffff' }); this.timeLabel.anchor.setTo(0, 0); this.oven1timer.start(); }, /* loadDoorState: function(doorState) { switch (doorState) { case 1: this.doorsClosed.visible = true; break; case 2: this.doorsClosed.visible = false; this.doorsHalfOpen.visible = true; this.fireStateOne.visible = true; break; case 3: this.doorsHalfOpen.visible = false; this.doorsOpen.visible = true; this.fireStateOne.visible = false; this.fireStateTwo.visible = true; break; default: console.warn('no state defined'); break; } }, holeTimer: function() { if (game.global.timer < 3) { game.global.doorState = 3; this.loadDoorState(game.global.doorState); //console.log(game.global.doorState); } else if (game.global.timer > 5) { game.global.doorState = 1; this.loadDoorState(game.global.doorState); //console.log(game.global.doorState); } else { game.global.doorState = 2; this.loadDoorState(game.global.doorState); //console.log(game.global.doorState); } }, */ updateTimer: function() { game.global.masterTimer = game.global.masterTimer - 1; if (game.global.masterTimer < 0) { //Flag game as complete game.global.gameEnded = true; this.masterTimer.stop(); // Name of the game var nameLabel = game.add.text(game.world.centerX, 480, 'Oh No!', { font: '60px Arial', fill: '#ffffff' }); nameLabel.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5); this.playLabel = game.add.text(game.world.centerX, 680, 'The ovens have lost optimum temperature!', { font: '30px Arial', fill: '#ffffff' }); this.playLabel.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5); this.loadDoorState(game.global.doorState); setTimeout(function() { game.state.start('menu'); }, 3000); } else { this.timeLabel.setText('Time Left: ' + game.global.masterTimer + 's'); } }, updateOvenTimer: function() { game.global.oven1timer = game.global.oven1timer - 1; if (game.global.oven1timer < 0) { //Flag game as complete game.global.gameEnded = true; this.oven1timer.stop(); // Name of the game var nameLabel = game.add.text(game.world.centerX, 480, 'Oh No!', { font: '60px Arial', fill: '#ffffff' }); nameLabel.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5); this.playLabel = game.add.text(game.world.centerX, 680, 'The ovens have lost optimum temperature!', { font: '30px Arial', fill: '#ffffff' }); this.playLabel.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5); this.loadDoorState(game.global.doorState); setTimeout(function() { game.state.start('menu'); }, 3000); } else { this.timeLabel.setText('Time Left: ' + game.global.oven1timer + 's'); } }, doorsClosedListener: function() { alert('closed clicked'); }, doorsHalfOpenListener: function() { //alert('Half open clicked'); console.log('this should reset the timer'); game.global.oven1timer = 10; game.global.doorState = 1; this.loadDoorState(game.global.doorState); this.doorsHalfOpen.visible = false; this.fireStateOne.visible = false; }, doorsOpenListener: function() { //alert('Open clicked'); game.global.oven1timer = 4; game.global.doorState = 2; this.loadDoorState(game.global.doorState); this.doorsHalfOpen.visible = true; this.fireStateTwo.visible = false; this.doorsOpen.visible = false; this.fireStateOne.visible = true; },}; Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lewster32 Posted July 29, 2014 Share Posted July 29, 2014 Hmm, I'm not sure. Is there even any reason to use separate timers for this? Can you not just use TimerEvents on a single timer or even just store game.time.now + the time until the next event and poll that? The game does have a master timer already instantiated by default referenced at game.time.events. Your method looks rather elaborate and I'm not entirely sure from your code what you're trying to do. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
csimpson.web Posted July 29, 2014 Author Share Posted July 29, 2014 Knowing me ive already overly complicated in my head. its basically 10 ovens , that need to blow open in 3 stages each stage has differnt bits in ... ive got it running so that the ovens do what they need to , i just need to run them from individual timers to operate each oven , the idea of the game is you get 2 minutes to keep the ovens temperature hot by prressing them atm one timer is overwriting the other, i need 11 timers basically that i can run 10 for the ovens ... and 1 master overall game timer.. would it help if i put the game on github to give a context to see what im trying to do ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
csimpson.web Posted July 29, 2014 Author Share Posted July 29, 2014 nevermind im a moron ... the timer works its the way i was updating it thats the problem ... Thanks Lewster Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lewster32 Posted July 29, 2014 Share Posted July 29, 2014 Heh glad you got it sorted. And trust me, if you're programming games you're far from a moron! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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