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Optimal way run an asynchronous loop with a delay?


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So basically I have an object called MoveManager. It gets instantiated and assigned a sprite and it moves that sprite based on blah blah blah parameters independently of all other MoveManagers. Now, I want to sprite to move at a certain rate say +32 x every 500ms. What would be the optimal solution (I presume using timer for shooting out events) to move the sprite in the aforementioned way. I'm still kind of struggling to comprehend javascript's ambiguity since I'm used to more strict languages.

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Use a tween.

this.game.add.tween(sprite).to({ x: destination }, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, 1000, true);

This will only run for 1 second and move property x to destination. Also increase the x property every frame linearly.


So if you want fine grained control, use timer.

this.game.time.events.loop(500, moveSpriteBy32, this);// this.game.time.events.add will trigger once// this.game.time.events.loop will trigger forever// this.game.time.events.repeat will trigger any number of times
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