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Overlapping Sound FX in IE


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I'm using a single Phaser.Sound instance with markers ( audio sprite ) to handle SoundFX in my game. Calling play() repeatedly works well in Chrome and FF. In IE however, a sound that is still playing gets cut-off when play() is called again. 


I'm guessing this is because IE does not support web audio.  Has anyone had success in playing overlapping sound FX in IE11? 

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I've been able to get around this by loading in multiple sounds that point to the same file. e.g. 


game.load( 'sound-0', 'sounds.mp3' );
game.load( 'sound-1', 'sounds.mp3' );
game.load( 'sound-2', 'sounds.mp3' );
game.load( 'sound-3', 'sounds.mp3' );


However I'm not sure this is the cleanest way to achieve this...


Is there a way to call load once then add new sounds that have a different key but use the same file?

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