congo Posted August 25, 2014 Share Posted August 25, 2014 I want to make 1 huge ROOM. Where there are many different enemy's some lethal.Items all over the room. All objects are randomly placed.Items will have abilities like teleport,extra hp,weapons,move 2 cells instead of 1,and so on.I have chosen this roguelike example because its close to my idea.And its code is not to long.By keep looking at the code and trying toalter it ,i find that i learn JavaScript this way better than any other way of learning.I don't know any JavaScript but this project helps me learn it.i have been at it for about 2 weeks.I have made the play area bigger increased the amount of players.changed the amount of walls appearing,which i,m pleased about.I want to make different letters appear .i want to make these letters have different hp to one enougher.I have tried to make different letters appear ,i can not and its becoming impossible i have run out of new ideas, but i have learn t much abut JavaScript in trying.Heres my code.I want to also be-able to alter the hp of the different letters as well. this is where i got it from code below is my attempt to make different letters appear, i did not expect them to move.i was just trying to make them appear.// font sizevar FONT = 32;// map dimensionsvar ROWS = 10;var COLS = 15;// number of actors per level, including playervar ACTORS = 10;var actars = 10;// the structure of the mapvar map;// the ascii display, as a 2d array of charactersvar screen;// a list of all actors, 0 is the playervar player;var actorList;var actarlist;var livingEnemies;// points to each actor in its position, for quick searchingvar actorMap;// initialize phaser, call create() once donevar game = new Phaser.Game(COLS * FONT * 0.6, ROWS * FONT, Phaser.AUTO, null, { create: create});function create() { // init keyboard commands game.input.keyboard.addCallbacks(null, null, onKeyUp); // initialize map initMap(); // initialize screen screen = []; for (var y = 0; y < ROWS; y++) { var newRow = []; screen.push(newRow); for (var x = 0; x < COLS; x++) newRow.push(initCell('', x, y)); } // initialize actors initActors(); initactars(); // draw level drawMap(); drawActors(); drawactars();}function initCell(chr, x, y) { // add a single cell in a given position to the ascii display var style = { font: FONT + "px monospace", fill: "#fff" }; return game.add.text(FONT * 0.6 * x, FONT * y, chr, style);}function initMap() { // create a new random map map = []; for (var y = 0; y < ROWS; y++) { var newRow = []; for (var x = 0; x < COLS; x++) { if (Math.random() > 0.8) newRow.push('#'); else newRow.push('.'); } map.push(newRow); }}function drawMap() { for (var y = 0; y < ROWS; y++) for (var x = 0; x < COLS; x++) screen[y][x].content = map[y][x];}function randomInt(max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * max);}function initActors() initactars() { // create actors at random locations actorList = []; actars = []; actorMap = {}; for (var e=0; e<ACTORS; e++) for (var m=0; m<actars; m++) { // create new actor var actor = { x: 0, y: 0, hp: e == 0 ? 3 : 1 }; do { // pick a random position that is both a floor and not occupied actor.y = randomInt(ROWS); actor.x = randomInt(COLS); } while (map[actor.y][actor.x] == '#' || actorMap[actor.y + "_" + actor.x] != null); // add references to the actor to the actors list & map actorMap[actor.y + "_" + actor.x] = actor,actars; actarslist,actorList.push(actor,actars); } } // the player is the first actor in the list player = actorList[0]; livingEnemies = ACTORS - 1; actarslist = actars - 1; }function drawActors() { for (var a in actorList) { if (actorList[a] != null && actorList[a].hp > 0) screen[actorList[a].y][actorList[a].x].content = a == 0 ? '' + player.hp : 'e'; }}function canGo(actor,dir) { return actor.x+dir.x >= 0 && actor.x+dir.x <= COLS - 1 && actor.y+dir.y >= 0 && actor.y+dir.y <= ROWS - 1 && map[actor.y+dir.y][actor.x +dir.x] == '.';}function moveTo(actor, dir) { // check if actor can move in the given direction if (!canGo(actor,dir)) return false; // moves actor to the new location var newKey = (actor.y + dir.y) +'_' + (actor.x + dir.x); // if the destination tile has an actor in it if (actorMap[newKey] != null) { //decrement hitpoints of the actor at the destination tile var victim = actorMap[newKey]; victim.hp--; // if it's dead remove its reference if (victim.hp == 0) { actorMap[newKey]= null; actorList[actorList.indexOf(victim)]=null; if(victim!=player) { livingEnemies--; if (livingEnemies == 0) { // victory message var victory = game.add.text(,, 'Victory!\nCtrl+r to restart', { fill : '#2e2', align: "center" } ); victory.anchor.setTo(0.5,0.5); } } } } else { // remove reference to the actor's old position actorMap[actor.y + '_' + actor.x]= null; // update position actor.y+=dir.y; actor.x+=dir.x; // add reference to the actor's new position actorMap[actor.y + '_' + actor.x]=actor; } return true;}function onKeyUp(event) { // draw map to overwrite previous actors positions drawMap(); // act on player input var acted = false; switch (event.keyCode) { case Phaser.Keyboard.LEFT: acted = moveTo(player, {x:-1, y:0}); break; case Phaser.Keyboard.RIGHT: acted = moveTo(player,{x:1, y:0}); break; case Phaser.Keyboard.UP: acted = moveTo(player, {x:0, y:-1}); break; case Phaser.Keyboard.DOWN: acted = moveTo(player, {x:0, y:1}); break; } // enemies act every time the player does if (acted) for (var enemy in actorList) { // skip the player if(enemy==0) continue; var e = actorList[enemy]; if (e != null) aiAct(e); } // draw actors in new positions drawActors();}function aiAct(actor) { var directions = [ { x: -1, y:0 }, { x:1, y:0 }, { x:0, y: -1 }, { x:0, y:1 } ]; var dx = player.x - actor.x; var dy = player.y - actor.y; // if player is far away, walk randomly if (Math.abs(dx) + Math.abs(dy) > 6) // try to walk in random directions until you succeed once while (!moveTo(actor, directions[randomInt(directions.length)])) { }; // otherwise walk towards player if (Math.abs(dx) > Math.abs(dy)) { if (dx < 0) { // left moveTo(actor, directions[0]); } else { // right moveTo(actor, directions[1]); } } else { if (dy < 0) { // up moveTo(actor, directions[2]); } else { // down moveTo(actor, directions[3]); } } if (player.hp < 1) { // game over message var gameOver = game.add.text(,, 'Game Over\nCtrl+r to restart', { fill : '#e22', align: "center" } ); gameOver.anchor.setTo(0.5,0.5); }} Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
unstoppableCarl Posted August 25, 2014 Share Posted August 25, 2014 I made this micro-framework that does what you are trying to do. still actively developing it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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