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Newbie roguelike


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I want to make  1 huge ROOM. Where there are many different enemy's some lethal.
Items all over the room. All objects are randomly placed.Items will have abilities like teleport,extra hp,
weapons,move 2 cells instead of 1,and so on.
I have chosen this roguelike example because its close to my idea.And its code is not to long.By keep looking at the code and trying to
alter it ,i find that i learn JavaScript this way better than any other way of learning.
I don't know any JavaScript but this project helps me learn it.i have been at it for about 2 weeks.
I have made the play area bigger increased the amount of players.changed the amount of walls appearing,which i,m pleased about.
I want to make different letters appear .i want to make these letters have different hp to one enougher.
I have tried to make different letters appear ,i can not and its becoming impossible i have run out of new ideas, but i have learn t much abut JavaScript in trying.
Heres my code.
I want to also be-able to alter the hp of the different letters as well. 

this is where i got it from 


The code below is my attempt to make different letters appear, i did not expect them to move.i was just trying to make them appear.

// font sizevar FONT = 32;// map dimensionsvar ROWS = 10;var COLS = 15;// number of actors per level, including playervar ACTORS = 10;var actars = 10;// the structure of the mapvar map;// the ascii display, as a 2d array of charactersvar screen;// a list of all actors, 0 is the playervar player;var actorList;var actarlist;var livingEnemies;// points to each actor in its position, for quick searchingvar actorMap;// initialize phaser, call create() once donevar game = new Phaser.Game(COLS * FONT * 0.6, ROWS * FONT, Phaser.AUTO, null, {	create: create});function create() {	// init keyboard commands	game.input.keyboard.addCallbacks(null, null, onKeyUp);	// initialize map	initMap();	// initialize screen	screen = [];	for (var y = 0; y < ROWS; y++) {		var newRow = [];		screen.push(newRow);		for (var x = 0; x < COLS; x++)			newRow.push(initCell('', x, y));	}	// initialize actors	initActors();	initactars();	// draw level	drawMap();	drawActors();	drawactars();}function initCell(chr, x, y) {	// add a single cell in a given position to the ascii display	var style = {		font: FONT + "px monospace",		fill: "#fff"	};	return game.add.text(FONT * 0.6 * x, FONT * y, chr, style);}function initMap() {	// create a new random map	map = [];	for (var y = 0; y < ROWS; y++) {		var newRow = [];		for (var x = 0; x < COLS; x++) {			if (Math.random() > 0.8) 				newRow.push('#');			else 				newRow.push('.');		}		map.push(newRow);	}}function drawMap() {	for (var y = 0; y < ROWS; y++)		for (var x = 0; x < COLS; x++)			screen[y][x].content = map[y][x];}function randomInt(max) {	return Math.floor(Math.random() * max);}function initActors()         initactars() {	// create actors at random locations	actorList = [];	actars = [];	actorMap = {};	  for (var e=0; e<ACTORS; e++)	      for (var m=0; m<actars; m++) {            // create new actor            var actor = {                x: 0,                y: 0,                hp: e == 0 ? 3 : 1            };            do {                // pick a random position that is both a floor and not occupied                actor.y = randomInt(ROWS);                actor.x = randomInt(COLS);            } while (map[actor.y][actor.x] == '#' || actorMap[actor.y + "_" + actor.x] != null);            // add references to the actor to the actors list & map            actorMap[actor.y + "_" + actor.x] = actor,actars;			actarslist,actorList.push(actor,actars);        }    }	// the player is the first actor in the list	player = actorList[0];	livingEnemies = ACTORS - 1;	actarslist = actars - 1; 	}function drawActors() {	for (var a in actorList) {		if (actorList[a] != null && actorList[a].hp > 0) 			screen[actorList[a].y][actorList[a].x].content = a == 0 ? '' + player.hp : 'e';	}}function canGo(actor,dir) {	return 	actor.x+dir.x >= 0 &&			actor.x+dir.x <= COLS - 1 &&			actor.y+dir.y >= 0 &&			actor.y+dir.y <= ROWS - 1 &&			map[actor.y+dir.y][actor.x +dir.x] == '.';}function moveTo(actor, dir) {	// check if actor can move in the given direction	if (!canGo(actor,dir)) 		return false;		// moves actor to the new location	var newKey = (actor.y + dir.y) +'_' + (actor.x + dir.x);	// if the destination tile has an actor in it 	if (actorMap[newKey] != null) {		//decrement hitpoints of the actor at the destination tile		var victim = actorMap[newKey];		victim.hp--;				// if it's dead remove its reference 		if (victim.hp == 0) {			actorMap[newKey]= null;			actorList[actorList.indexOf(victim)]=null;			if(victim!=player) {				livingEnemies--;				if (livingEnemies == 0) {					// victory message					var victory = game.add.text(game.world.centerX, game.world.centerY, 'Victory!\nCtrl+r to restart', { fill : '#2e2', align: "center" } );					victory.anchor.setTo(0.5,0.5);				}			}		}	} else {		// remove reference to the actor's old position		actorMap[actor.y + '_' + actor.x]= null;				// update position		actor.y+=dir.y;		actor.x+=dir.x;		// add reference to the actor's new position		actorMap[actor.y + '_' + actor.x]=actor;	}	return true;}function onKeyUp(event) {	// draw map to overwrite previous actors positions	drawMap();		// act on player input	var acted = false;	switch (event.keyCode) {		case Phaser.Keyboard.LEFT:			acted = moveTo(player, {x:-1, y:0});			break;					case Phaser.Keyboard.RIGHT:			acted = moveTo(player,{x:1, y:0});			break;					case Phaser.Keyboard.UP:			acted = moveTo(player, {x:0, y:-1});			break;		case Phaser.Keyboard.DOWN:			acted = moveTo(player, {x:0, y:1});			break;	}		// enemies act every time the player does	if (acted)		for (var enemy in actorList) {			// skip the player			if(enemy==0)				continue;						var e = actorList[enemy];			if (e != null)				aiAct(e);		}		// draw actors in new positions	drawActors();}function aiAct(actor) {	var directions = [ { x: -1, y:0 }, { x:1, y:0 }, { x:0, y: -1 }, { x:0, y:1 } ];		var dx = player.x - actor.x;	var dy = player.y - actor.y;		// if player is far away, walk randomly	if (Math.abs(dx) + Math.abs(dy) > 6)		// try to walk in random directions until you succeed once		while (!moveTo(actor, directions[randomInt(directions.length)])) { };		// otherwise walk towards player	if (Math.abs(dx) > Math.abs(dy)) {		if (dx < 0) {			// left			moveTo(actor, directions[0]);		} else {			// right			moveTo(actor, directions[1]);		}	} else {		if (dy < 0) {			// up			moveTo(actor, directions[2]);		} else {			// down			moveTo(actor, directions[3]);		}	}	if (player.hp < 1) {		// game over message		var gameOver = game.add.text(game.world.centerX, game.world.centerY, 'Game Over\nCtrl+r to restart', { fill : '#e22', align: "center" } );		gameOver.anchor.setTo(0.5,0.5);	}}
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