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Polygon with input-events and overlap


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i want to have some polygon-like shape that can handle overlaps and input-events.

Is there any element like that in Phaser?


I dont want to use physics - since there is no real use for that in my game.


My first attempt was to use the Phaser.Polygon, but than i would have to create the input events and overlap-checks all by myself.

The second try was to use a Phaser.Graphics without drawing a fill or line. But there seem to be no overlap or input-events.

My last idea was to use a Phaser.Sprite with a hitArea, the hitArea would handle the input-events but how could I do the overlap checks than?


Is there any Phaser-element for this use-case? What is the best practise?


Thanks for any help,



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Ok so I guess there is no better way. I tryed that way, but i realized it is a bit more than just checking wheather the pointer is inside the poly or not. There could be a other sprite in front of my poly.

Thanks for the help, i will try the polygon a bit more.

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For anyone interested in this:

my final solution was to create a empty sprite (by passing no image to the Sprite contructor) and than setting a Phaser.Polygon on the sprite.hitArea. That solves the input events.

For the overlap or "enter"-check I call the following:


I guess this method even works with other geometics like circle or rectangle.


Thanks again to wayfinder for the hint on the contains-method!

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  • 2 weeks later...

That is true, it will just check the x and y.

In my case it is enough, because I just want to know "Is the player standing within the polygon" or "is the input within the polygon?".

For a real overlap you would have to check the width, height, scaling and the anchor (maybe i forgot something?).

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