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Nuke the game and return to blank screen


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You can iterate through any group or array of objects and destroy them individually, yes - but remember Phaser uses a tree structure for its display list, not a flat array. The destroy method of groups will however by default destroy its children too; this is controlled bt the first parameter in destroy.


But what if I have dozens of groups, do I have to destroy all of them individually?  Can I do it from the game level, something like this:

// destroy all groups and the objects within themgame.groups.forEach ( function (g) {  g.destroy();  }, this);
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Right, this works but only for tiles.The sprites meanwhile are left behind on screen.

    if (game.world) {        game.world.forEach(function (g) {                                    if (g) g.destroy();        },this);    }

I figure that for sprites one must use kill instead of destroy so I tried the following to remove the sprites:  

       if (game.world) {        game.world.forEach(function (g) {                                    if (g) g.kill();        },this);    }

...but it throws an error:


Uncaught Type Error: undefined is not a function


Is there a special way of removing sprites as opposed to tiles?


EDIT: I've worked around this by adding all my game sprites into a group called gameSprites and then using gameSprites.destroy() to clear it all down when needed.  It works fine this way but I'm sure there are better ways to do it.




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Sprites should also be destroyed in the same way; kill just temporarily 'hides' the sprite. What I'd recommend you do is create an array and every time you create a sprite, .push it to the array. Then when you want to clean up, you can simply go through that array and delete every sprite.

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