dianxiangan32 Posted September 8, 2014 Share Posted September 8, 2014 I am develop a multiplayer game. I come to a problem and I am really confused. The game's url is: http://floating-brook-7619.herokuapp.com/ control:up down left right space the problem is ,when I press space. the skill sprite appear at a wrong place although it change to the right position immediately. I don't know why, Please help me! I really need help! HELP!HELP! the code related is in line 135: if(this.GAME.game.input.keyboard.isDown(Phaser.Keyboard.SPACEBAR)&&this.role.longPaoXiao.exists==false){this.role.longPaoXiao.reset(this.role.x,this.role.y);this.role.longPaoXiao.play('do',8,false,true); } and in line 163: util.createPlayer=function(x,y,img,frame,id,GAME){var role=GAME.game.add.sprite(x,y,img,frame);role.animations.add('right',[6,7,8],3,true);role.animations.add('left',[3,4,5],3,true);role.animations.add('up',[9,10,11],3,true);role.animations.add('down',[0,1,2],3,true);GAME.game.physics.enable(role,Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);role.id=id;role.scale={x:0.6,y:0.6};role.anchor.x=0.5;role.anchor.y=0.5; role.longPaoXiao=GAME.game.add.sprite(x,y,'longpaoxiao',15);role.longPaoXiao.scale={x:0.5,y:0.5};role.longPaoXiao.anchor={x:0.5,y:0.5};GAME.game.physics.enable(role.longPaoXiao,Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);role.longPaoXiao.body.setSize(130,130);role.longPaoXiao.kill();role.longPaoXiao.animations.add('do',[15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27],8,false); return role;} Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lewster32 Posted September 8, 2014 Share Posted September 8, 2014 Try this:this.role.longPaoXiao.body.reset(this.role.x,this.role.y);Resetting the sprite position while the body is influencing it will often lead to incorrect positioning, the item flying off the screen or other problems. When the body is in control of the sprite's positioning, you should be using body.reset, body.velocity and so on to move it. If you don't want the physics to influence the sprite's movement, you can set body.moves = false and then move the sprite as normal. Arcanorum 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dianxiangan32 Posted September 9, 2014 Author Share Posted September 9, 2014 Try this:this.role.longPaoXiao.body.reset(this.role.x,this.role.y);Resetting the sprite position while the body is influencing it will often lead to incorrect positioning, the item flying off the screen or other problems. When the body is in control of the sprite's positioning, you should be using body.reset, body.velocity and so on to move it. If you don't want the physics to influence the sprite's movement, you can set body.moves = false and then move the sprite as normal.you are very kind. Thank you! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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