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Callback in Tilemap.createFromObjects


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Is there a way to pass a callback to this, for when all of the Tiled attributes I set have been loaded onto the object? For example, suppose I set:


auto: true

distance: 10


on an object, and I want to make use of these in my objects custom constructor that I pass in? Here is my call:

    @map.createFromObjects 'PlatformLayer', @gids.PLATFORM_HORIZONTAL, 'platforms', 1, true, false, undefined, HorizontalPlatform

I'd like it to be:

    @map.createFromObjects 'PlatformLayer', @gids.PLATFORM_HORIZONTAL, 'platforms', 1, true, false, undefined, HorizontalPlatform, 'isReady'

And then, on HorizontalPlatform, I would have an isReady function that could be called when all of the Tiled parameters have been loaded so I don't have to do any weird stuff like setTimeout while waiting for it to finish loading.

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jdowell pointed out to me that it is possible to handle this in such a fashion:

objectGroup = @game.add.group()map.createFromObjects "PlatformLayer", gids.PLATFORM_HORIZONTAL, "platforms", 1, true, false, objectGroup, HorizontalPlatformobjectGroup.callAll "isReady()"

Not ideal for every use-case, but it should suffice for most.

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