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using Phaser.Graphics as Phaser.Sprite

Harry Miller

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I've seen that phaser is able to create Graphics elements and move them around the canvas.

It's easier to create really simple graphics in such way in contrast to create a sprite in a painting program and add it with game.add.Sprite.


now the question:

 Can I work with the Graphic object in the same way as Sprites  - even with physics logic ?

 (Can phaser detect collisions between a Graphic and a Sprite ?)



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No, but you can attach a Graphics object to a Sprite via addChild:

var graphics = game.add.graphics();graphics.boundsPadding = 0; // do this to stop the graphics object having a 10 pixel invisible bordervar sprite = game.add.sprite(game.world.centerX, game.world.centerY, null);sprite.addChild(graphics);// from now on, the graphics will be positioned at 0, 0 relative to the sprite, and if given a body, it should encompass the bounds of the graphics object attached
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