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Collide/Overlap inside conditional


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Hello! :)


I'm trying to make a game like this: http://dagobah.net/flash/BEavis_butthead_spit.swf


But I have a problem:


I have three lines with enemies, but when the powerBar are inside line 2, I need to kill only the enemies inside this line and not inside line 1.


I trying use this conditionals, but collide do not work. :/

        if (powerBar.body.y >= 60 && powerBar.body.y <= 210) {            //Line 1        } else if (powerBar.body.y >= 210 && powerBar.body.y <= 350) {           // Line 2            this.physics.arcade.collide(shoot, line2, this.lin2Collide, null, this);        } else if (powerBar.body.y >= 350 && powerBar.body.y <= 500) {            //Line 3        } else {        }
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