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tiling sprite with texture atlas always produces a border - how to get rid of?


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This is likely due to there being some transparent pixels at the edges of your tiled image. You'll need to open it in an editing program and ensure the edges are sharp and clean, and then you may want to add a bit of extra padding to the images so the pixels repeat at the edges to ensure that you get no gaps when scaling and/or moving them. TexturePacker has the option to do this for you.

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puhh... i tried it with different images and different sizes ..   it is really confusing..  now it is working in chromium on my desktoppc  but not in firefox (there you see the borders) and it is not working on my tablet (chrome) too..  if i load the same image without the atlas it works as expected..


i tried the option "extrude" in texturepacker   (set it to 1 px) and now it works everywhere..  thx..  (but this function is not supported by spritesheetpacker :( which would be free)

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the feature is called "extrude"   in texturepacker.. it seems to add 1px of collor around my tilesprite or something similar..  the problem is..  without it i can not use a tilesprite from the atlas.. 


is there a way to get my sprites to work without this texturepacker feature?  can i prepare my sprites in some way?   they are absolutely perfect .. no transparent pixels at the borders .. 

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