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Errors in examples


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I have been going through the examples and have run into several errors.  I have cloned the examples repository and downloaded it as a zip file.  Then expanded the zip file into a folder and setup a Python http server in the examples folder using "python -m SimpleHTTPServer".


For instance, I get these errors in the filters/blur example, see the attached image.  Is the cdn (cdn.rawgit.com)  just down?  Those files BlurX.js and BlurY.js do not exist.  WTF?




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The BlurX.js and BlurY.js exist in the repo.


Did you place all of the folders in the root of your server? Or just the examples folder?



You said you created a server in the examples folder.

Create the server one level above that.

The folder structure should be like that :

         "server-root"/                      |- examples/                      |- filters/                      |- labs/                      |- plugins/                      |- projects/                      |- tasks/          
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Thanks, I did what you said and created a server in the folder above the examples folder and the blur example worked.  However, both the dragonbones examples still don't work.  Attached is another screen shot showing the errors. post-7004-0-99294200-1412999061_thumb.pn

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