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Found 3 results

  1. jake

    Game loop advice

    I've been working on a base repo for pixel art games. The issue I've been running into is stutter when rendering sprites. Specifically I've seen this run buttery smooth on my laptop with a refresh rate of 144hz, but on 60hz monitors it seems to stutter. The game loop looks sensible to me, but I'm not sure what else to try at this point. Any help would be much appreciated. You can find the branch I'm working on here. The specific file of interest is game.ts. You can also see a live demo of it running on netlify.
  2. How to make click Pixelperfect on Canvas DEMO + Tutorial https://leoche.github.io/Pixelperfect-Click-Canvas/ Summary There is no easy way to draw something and capture a pixel perfect click on it with HTML5 canvas. But there is a trick! We can attribute a random color to each Sprite we create then on a new blank buffer canvas, draw all sprites but only with their respective colors. Capture mouse input coordonates on real canvas then look the color of the pixel on the buffer canvas then compare this color with your sprites. If colors matches you clicked on this sprite! Tada! Real pixel perfect inputs! Initial Setup I took 3 sprites. So Basically here, we have a Main class which have an Array of Sprite(x, y, img) instances: this.sprites = [ new Sprite(100, 100, this.imgs.bed), new Sprite(52, 146, this.imgs.table), new Sprite(80, 135, this.imgs.z) ] I had to set coordonates to make those sprites overlaping each other The class for Sprites is pretty simple: export default class Sprite { constructor(x, y, img) { this.x = x this.y = y this.img = img } render (ctx) { ctx.drawImage(this.img, this.x, this.y) } } For this example i didn't add a z or depth property to Sprites, we admit in this example that Sprites ordering is made by their position in array. I set up a time loop to call render which call render on each Sprite: setInterval(() => this.render(), 1000 / 30) ... render () { ... this.sprites.forEach( sprite => { sprite.render(this.ctx) }) } Result: Real things coming up First we need to generate a random color for each sprites and make a new method to render the image but with only one Color. constructor(x, y, img) { this.x = x this.y = y this.img = img this.name = this.img.id.replace('img-', '') // Return 'bed', 'table' or 'z' this.id = Math.floor(Math.random()*16777215).toString(16); // Return a random HEX Color console.log("Created '" + this.name + "' with color #" + this.id); //We want here to see what color is generated for this sprite } Console returns Now we want to create a method renderColor with a canvas buffer, So we just need to create a canvas with img sizes, fill with generated color then drawImage with destination-atop composition. renderColor (ctx) { var buffer = document.createElement('canvas'); buffer.width = this.img.width; buffer.height = this.img.height; var bx = buffer.getContext('2d'); bx.fillStyle = '#' + this.id bx.fillRect(0,0,buffer.width,buffer.height); bx.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-atop"; bx.drawImage(this.img,0,0); ctx.drawImage(buffer, this.x, this.y) } For debug purposes we can now see the result if we update the render to render those colors sprites: render () { this.sprites.forEach( sprite => { sprite.render(this.ctx) sprite.renderColor(this.ctx) //DEBUG }) } Which give us this result: Create a global buffer for all this color sprites in Main constructor and render color sprites to it instead of the real canvas this.inputCanvas = document.createElement('canvas') this.inputCanvas.width = this.canvas.width this.inputCanvas.height = this.canvas.width this.inputCanvasCtx = this.inputCanvas.getContext('2d') ... render () { this.sprites.forEach( sprite => { sprite.render(this.ctx) // Previously: sprite.renderColor(this.ctx) sprite.renderColor(this.inputCanvasCtx) }) } then add an event listener to the real canvas and get pixel informations on the buffer canvas this.canvas.addEventListener('click', event => { let color = this.inputCanvasCtx.getImageData(event.layerX, event.layerY, 1, 1).data }) Convert the color data to HEX, and just compare with existing sprites! this.canvas.addEventListener('click', event => { let color = this.inputCanvasCtx.getImageData(event.layerX, event.layerY, 1, 1).data let hexColor = ("000000" + this.rgbToHex(color[0], color[1], color[2])).slice(-6) console.log('You just clicked on color #' + hexColor) let sprite = this.sprites.filter(sprite => sprite.id === hexColor) // You now have the sprite yea! }) ... // RGB Util rgbToHex(r, g, b) { if (r > 255 || g > 255 || b > 255) throw "Invalid color component" return ((r << 16) | (g << 8) | b).toString(16) } Console returns You now have your clicked Sprite! Thanks you guys for reading, hope this can help someone! Léo DESIGAUX Link to the Project Link to my Website Link to my Twitter Link to my Linkedin
  3. Hello all! I'm having a problem developing a Phaser game for mobile devices, the aspect ratio is fixed as 4:3, so I adjust the canvas size to keep that aspect ratio. When the user is changing the orientation, the canvas is keeping the same aspect ratio but is getting bigger. My problem is when I set the new size to Phaser game object, it is upscaling the content inside and is pixelated. My code looks like this: var taskAspect = 4/3, screenHeight = window.innerHeight, screenWidth = window.innerWidth, screenAspect = screenWidth / screenHeight; if (screenAspect < taskAspect) { game.width = screenWidth; game.height = game.width / taskAspect; } else { game.height = screenHeight; game.width = game.height * taskAspect; }My question is: is possible to change Phaser game size telling Phaser: "ey, I want to change game size but please don't scale content inside!!" ? Thanks a lot!
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