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Spherical Harmonic Wingnut's Challenge


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These SH are constructed with 8 m parameters : m0, m1...m7

The morphing is done by getting new random values for these parameters and making each m (m0, m1...m7) evolves from current values to new random values in a given number of steps. They all evolve simultaneously.


Maybe would it be nicer for human eye to have them evolve one after each other so we could understand well what's is currently happening..?


Will try some next future day  ;)


to be replicated in the playground so interested people can modify delay or steps parameters (or others)

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Hey, this thread is looking a bit sleepy.


Here's another SH beauty!  Feel free to click RUN over and over until you go drool-dry.  heh


This is much the same as others.  I am using the same FireProceduralTexture, but THIS TIME, the shader code for that texture... is included in THIS playground.  Wow!


Want to see the line where I used my huge muscles to over-ride the default shader for FireProceduralTexture?  I knew ya did!


Yep, I installed Shader Fred using the firePT's cool .setFragment call.    My goal (someday) is to fill-up the black area at the top of the fire texture.  Fill the whole plane with waves/vapors.  I don't know what I am doing, but this play-with-the-fire-shader demo seems like a great place to start. 


It's a powerful shader... lots to learn, and I suspect there are over 100 ways to make it crash, blow-up, or freak-out.  THAT'S what we want, right?


No?  Darn, I forgot the objective. 


Oh yeah, I remember now.  I want to fill-in the top black area of the fire.  Focus, Wingnut, FOCUS!!  :) 


Contributions welcome!  Can you make the waves of fire fill the whole plane?  No black area at the top?  Show us how, fellow shader experimenters.


Want to see instant action?  I knew ya did.  See the .1 in line 186?  Make that 3.1, then click RUN again, and watch how fast the fire waves move.  :)  Wow!  Have fun.

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That thing keeps getting cooler and cooler! Can't wait to see it morph and change color smoothly ;)


By the way, make a scene where multiple of those fly around? all different shape and color and you can click the one you like and it zooms in to the a close view... 


PS: +1 for the sprite to show the texture :D

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And some fog!  Or maybe floating over water on a starry night with refractions of the SH's emissive output... glistening on the water surface.  A city in the background, but far away, so we don't diminish the SH drool factor.  ahhh.  Nipple erection!  :D


But I have a funny feeling that... if a guy puts too many of these in a single scene, FPS is gonna get a tumor.  But we're dynamic, so we only render meshes that are in-frustum of the camera, right?  Yeah, we got BJS... so we got everything we need to be maximum demented with this.  :)


PS: Jerome, your black-area removal method works very well.  Good job!

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