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Is there another way to access nested Object properties?


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This one is bugging me, but basically.. I want to have a function that takes a key and a new value and set that across multiple objects. I'm using this approach:

child[key] = value;

Which works great if you do:

update('y', 100);

Because the child object has a y property.


However what I need to support is this too:

update('body.velocity.y', 100);

Now the 'body.velocity' object exists as a property of child, but of course using a string like this breaks the child[key] approach, as it's looking for a property actually named 'body.velocity.y'.


Is there another way of doing this? (it has to be FAST, this is for an internal loop, so I don't want to have to be splitting strings and the likes if I can help it).

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I think this is a great opportunity for a recursive function:

function update(object, key, value){	var nestedarr = String.split(key, ".");	nestedUpdate(object, nestedarr, value);}function nestedUpdate(object, nestedarr, value){	if(nestedarr.length > 1){		nestedUpdate(object[nestedarr[0]], nestedarr.shift()) //Pop first element off array	}else{		object[nestedarr[0]] = value;	}}

Note that this specific example is untested, the naming is horrible and might have bugs, but you get the general idea.

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Well, splitting the string on its dots and then Hangling through the objects should work and is imho the cleanest approach.

About the performance, what about this:

Create a hashtable that uses the whole string as key and stores references to the object it points to.

So you dont have to split the string all the times and hangle trough all objects but can grab your target directly from the cache to read/write on it.

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I've done this quite a bit in different places, this is what I normally use:

//the object to manipulatevar obj = {    some: {        deep: {            prop: 1        }    }};    //get the levels to walkvar levels = 'some.deep.prop'.split('.'),    // leave the last element    i = levels.length-1,    //the object to use to walk    o = obj;//walk to the level just before our propertywhile(i--){    o = o[levels.shift()];}//use the last key in the array to set the propertyo[levels.shift()] = 'foobar';
Your case would be something like:


MyObject.prototype.update = function(key, value) {    //get the levels to walk    var levels = key.split('.'),        // leave the last element        i = levels.length-1,        //the object to use to walk        o = this;    //walk to the level just before our property    while(i--){        o = o[levels.shift()];    }    //use the last key in the array to set the property    o[levels.shift()] = value;}

Should work fine for cases like


update('body.velocity.y', 10);

update('id', 10);

Hope this helps!

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I think this one performs faster:

MyObject.prototype.update = (function() {  var cache = {}, props, i, n, o;  return function(key, value, deep) {    o = this;    if (deep) {      if (!(props = cache[key])) {        cache[key] = props = key.split('.');      }      for (i = 0, n = props.length - 1; i < n; i++) {        o = o[props[i]];      }      o[props[n]] = value;    } else {      o[key] = value;    }  };})();
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