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Babylon + VR


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Hi guys,

so I've just got myself a new google cardboard (yeay :D ) and now I'm testing it with Babylon.js. I created this "dull" demo scene just to test how this VR stuff works.

Now the problem is that my  VRDeviceOrientationFreeCamera doesn't really respond to device input (it's supposed to respond to device orientation isn't it?)

Can somebody explain what's going on here? Thanks...

Btw I'm using xperia compact z3


Edit: I'm also experiencing some rendering issues. For example the PG provided above shows 2 cubes side-by-side instead of showing only one. 

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You forgot to bind and reattach  the inputs to the camera.

camera.inputs.attached.VRDeviceOrientation._deviceOrientationHandler = onOrientationEvent.bind(camera.inputs.attached.VRDeviceOrientation);

Here is you playground updated : http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#IGIJC#3

I hope you will see your cube moving

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