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Click on emitter particles doesn't work


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Hi, I am new on Phaser framework actually, but i am trying to find out.

I have an easy test game, where emitter moving from left to right, and drop particle, which is candy with 3 different state.

So i have to click on particle, and it has to change animation frame. When i click 3 time, particle have to disapear.


Here is my game code, but actually, i cannot make click event working. It looks like something wrong with my code, but i don't know where

		function getRandomInt(min, max)
		  return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;

		var game = new Phaser.Game('100%', '100%', Phaser.AUTO, '', { preload: preload, create: create, update: update });
		var emitter;
		function preload() {
			game.load.spritesheet('waffle', 'waffle_sprite.png', 150, 150, 3);
		function create() {
//			game.physics.startSystem(Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);
			emitter = game.add.emitter(game, 100, 100, 20);
			emitter.inputEnableChildren = true;
			emitter.onChildInputDown.add(onDown, this);
			emitter.gravity = 0;
			emitter.minRotation = -100;
			emitter.maxRotation = 100;
			emitter.setYSpeed(150, 300);
			emitter.setXSpeed(50, 50);
			emitter.makeParticles('waffle', 0);
				emitter.x=getRandomInt((game.width * 0.1), (game.width - game.width * 0.1));
				emitter.start(true, 5000, null, 1);
			}, 1000)
		function update() {
		function onDown (sprite) {

Can you please help me fix click event on every child? Thank you!

I will continue my developing after fix this issue.

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Hello, It doesn't work for me neither. Any clues?

Here is my emitter configuration:

	var balloonsEmitter = game.add.emitter(0, 0, MAX_NUMBER_OF_BALLOONS);
	balloonsEmitter.enableBody = true;
	balloonsEmitter.inputEnableChildren = true;
	balloonsEmitter.onChildInputDown.add(function (balloon, pointer) {
		balloon.kill(); //delete particle
	balloonsEmitter.gravity = 0;
	balloonsEmitter.makeParticles('balloonsPop', 0, 5);


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