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FBX Loader


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Hi everybody,


As I can see there are several loaders: OBJ, STL, glTF and several exporters: 3ds Max, Blender, FBX, Unity 5.

Why not to create FBX loader? It can be very usefull for people who develop 3D software for engineers.

Engineers would like to keep their files in FBX format which is AutoDESK company file format.




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1 hour ago, Deltakosh said:


the main reason is: because it is an insane amount of work ;)

are there any specialists who can develop FBX loader, if a company will pay for the job? how much time will the development take?


can a company use BabylonJS for commercial projects?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 29/11/2016 at 6:19 PM, Deltakosh said:


the main reason is: because it is an insane amount of work ;)

Hello Deltakosh

I have the FBX file ( https://www.dropbox.com/s/rr8k9brbgdv1e9x/M20.fbx?dl=0 ). If I load the FBX file to Autodesk A360 Viewer ( https://a360.autodesk.com/viewer/ , "Upload your design" button), I can see the model.

I am trying to see the same model in the SandBox http://www.babylonjs.com/sandbox/ . First of all, I converted the FBX file ( https://www.dropbox.com/s/rr8k9brbgdv1e9x/M20.fbx?dl=0 ) to the Babylon file ( https://www.dropbox.com/s/381modoxlyivrx2/M20.babylon?dl=0 ) using FbxExporter.exe. Then I uploaded the Babylon file to the SandBox.

First problem is the orientation of the model. The second one is near and far clipping planes.

Any advices to fix the problems?


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20 hours ago, Deltakosh said:

Hello, you can fix your issues with a bit of JavaScript code:

- near and far are on camera.minZ and camera.maxZ

- Orientation can be changed by calling mesh.bakeCurrentTransformIntoVertices: http://doc.babylonjs.com/classes/2.4/Mesh#bakecurrenttransformintovertices-rarr-void


there is another problem with converting FBX to Babylon using FbxExporter.exe.

this is the original FBX file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qajccuvjxb775cp/ExhibitionHall_01_Rev_1_ascii.fbx?dl=0

this is converted file (FbxExporter.exe) https://www.dropbox.com/s/kgub32spih8xqdn/ExhibitionHall_01_Rev_1_ascii-yes.babylon?dl=0

this is converted file (FbxExporter.exe with option /skipemptynodes) https://www.dropbox.com/s/gobennl6jayv677/ExhibitionHall_01_Rev_1_ascii-no.babylon?dl=0

If I use FbxExporter.exe without option /skipemptynodes, I almost always have some strange empty mesh far from the "main" meshes. But the option does not help for many other FBX files. Any ideas?

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19 hours ago, Temechon said:

I think developing a FBX (ascii) importer would be relatively easy. The main task is take into account ALL version of FBX, that means work. If you are willing to pay, i know my company can work on this (but be careful, it's A LOT of work! )

How much work? How many days, weeks?

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21 hours ago, Temechon said:

The main task is take into account ALL version of FBX, that means work.

As @Temechon says the "ALL version" could mean a lot of work.

The image below shows data from 2 different fbx files (binary format) that I tried to load into Blender. The model A failed to load, model B loaded fine.

As you can see data about the models shows they were created with different versions of original fbx creator .

cheers, gryff :)


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  • 7 months later...
On 29/11/2016 at 6:19 PM, Deltakosh said:


the main reason is: because it is an insane amount of work ;)

Hi @Deltakosh and @ProfessorF

I think that our company ready to finance the FBX loader development. Could you recommend somebody who has an interest to develop FBX loader and who has experience to do such job?



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  • 2 months later...

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