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How to make buttons disable game.input.touch.*Callback?


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I have a game where I'm listening on touch/mouse events:


game.input.mouse.mouseDownCallback= onTouchStart;
game.input.mouse.mouseMoveCallback = onTouchMove;
game.input.mouse.mouseUpCallback = onTouchEnd;
game.input.touch.touchStartCallback = onTouchStart;
game.input.touch.touchMoveCallback = onTouchMove;
game.input.touch.touchEndCallback = onTouchEnd;
However I also want some buttons (e.g. back to menu, muting sounds/music, etc) to be above the game, and when these buttons are clicked to not respond to input event in the game. Right now I can work around it by adding a check in onTouchStart if game.input.activePointer is within the buttons' rect, but is there a better solution?
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That would only work if his buttons are DOM elements sitting over the top of the game.


What you can do is use priority IDs - for example if you had 2 sprites that overlapped, both of which had input handlers, if you gave the one on the top a higher priority ID then the one on the bottom would never fire. This is how I overlay buttons in my games and not have them all fire off at once!

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Nevermind, solved it by moving the event handlers to a 1x1 pixel sprite with scale set to fit the screen & then using priorityIds:


var bg = game.add.sprite(0, 0, 'bg');bg.fixedToCamera = true;bg.scale.setTo(origWidth, origHeight);bg.inputEnabled = true;bg.input.priorityID = 0;bg.events.onInputDown.add(onTouchStart,this);bg.events.onInputOver.add(onTouchMove,this);bg.events.onInputUp.add(onTouchEnd,this);
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