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rotate sprite along z-axis


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Is there any way to rotate sprite (concretely coin) along z-axis? It is 3d efect but maybe achievable in canvas and phaser by setting scale or other properties. Ultimate efect I want to achieve can be done by such spritesheet: coin.png

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Ok, one another problem is because my coin is asymmetric . So when I scale from 1 to -1, then I want to constantly rotate in the same direction (again from 1 to -1). So as far as I can see one solution is create 2 frame spritesheet (reverse parties)  and when tween is complete set second frame , set scale again to 1 and then play tween again.

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Tween with yoyo should do all the job for you! Let's say, you have coin atlas and two sprites in it: "front" and "back". Then you can listen to onComplete and change frame in it:

    var sprite = game.add.sprite(0, 0, 'coin', 'front');
    sprite.anchor.set(0.5, 0);
    var tween = game.add.tween(sprite.scale).to( { x: -1 }, 1000, "Linear", true, 0, -1, true);
    tween.onLoop.add(function() {
        sprite.frameName = (sprite.frameName === 'front') ? 'back' : 'front';
    }, this);


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